Thursday, January 21, 2010

1st reflection and MCs

Hi guys, so sorry for this last min blogging. Well i was on MC for about 4 days due to an injury to my knee. I had a swollen ligament and a maybe a 50% chance of my lateral meniscus torn. So ya its pretty bad. Well i'm back now to talk about all the work and what i have learn while on MC and off.

This was on my first day on MC where the class learn about Google search, discussion forums and bibliography.

Well about the Google search its amazing to know how bracketing, using OR, AND in your search can help your search better. This really helps in my research.

Were you impressed by Google's search function/features?Why?
To me i didn't start off using Google, i started off using Yahoo when i was in primary school. Later on i started using Google in my secondary school and i was stuck with it since then. I was really attracted to its simple layout, its excellent user interface and i found out that actually Google gives me more results then Yahoo. So i am impressed with Google.

Google's search is a very useful tool. It is very easy to use and it offers alot of search functions such as web, images, maps, news and many more.

How do you feel about participation in discussion forum?Is it helpful for your research?Do you feel anxious about talking to others you don't know?
Participation in discussion forum is excellent, it helps you with your research. I have posted a forum myself and it really does help me alot, you might never know that someone who is a professional in the topic you asked, might reply to your thread. It actually excites me to wait for someone to reply, and talking to a total stranger online is not something I do everyday.Hahaha.

Why must you do citation and bibliography?
The reason why we do citation and bibliography is because we do not want to be caught for plagiarism. We have to acknowledge the work of people and if we do not do citation and bibliography it might look like we were the one who did the work where it actually is another story.


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